Pregnancy can be one of the most magical and transformative times in a woman's life, but it can also come with a whole host of aches, pains, and discomforts. From back pain to sciatica to headaches and more, it can feel like your body is going through the ringer.
Let’s chat about a secret weapon for you:
prenatal chiropractic care.
More and more pregnant women are turning to chiropractic care to help them feel better, more comfortable, and more aligned during their pregnancies.
Here at Memory Lane Photography, you are provided with a beautiful capture of your precious newborn baby. Because I love all of the mommas that come to my Indianapolis studio, I want to provide opportunities for you to not only walk away with priceless heirlooms, but I also want you to learn of other ways you can receive the best care possible.
Take a few moments and enjoy the following conversation I had with an expert prenatal chiropractic doctor! I hope it is a help to you as you navigate your pregnancy and post partum!
I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Kristen Hartwell at Sacred Spines Chiropractic
The Sacred Spines office is on the northeast side of Indianapolis.
Shauna: Question # 1
Can you walk us through a typical prenatal chiropractic session? What can a pregnant woman expect?
Dr. Kristen Hartwell:
When a pregnant woman comes into our office we sit down with her and find out what her goals are for the pregnancy, as well as the delivery.
We find out who is on her team of providers. Then we explain the importance of nervous system regulation in pregnancy as well as structural and physical alignment.
We also discuss what she can expect further along into pregnancy such as changes with her body, and possible challenges that she might notice.
“We try to be very well rounded with our moms in a holistic approach.”
It is so much more than lying down to have her pelvis adjusted!
We discuss ways that we can prevent those issues through dietary changes and lifestyle changes. We discuss bio-mechanical changes of how she sleeps, how she lives, how she holds her toddler on her hip, and many other lifestyle changes.
We also discuss nervous system regulation and how we can make adjustments to help mom become more calm so that she can co-regulate with her baby. This is a really powerful thing to help a pregnant mom to realize! If she is stressed, her baby is learning how to be stressed from co-regulation during pregnancy.
A mom will often tell me that I’m a miracle worker after seeing her baby’s physical body tension melt as I work on the baby. I remind her that this behavior in her baby is because I have a regulated system, and this allows me to co-regulate with the baby. And my desire is to help momma learn to co-regulate with her baby’s nervous system because that’s where the magic happens!
I have actually discovered this in my newborn sessions! If I am stressed, the baby picks up on that and does not settle as well for me. So I have learned to remain calm and relaxed, and babies tend to relax better for me during their session because of that!
Shauna: Question # 2
I hear a lot about the Webster technique. Can you explain what that is and how it benefits pregnant women?
Dr. Kristen Hartwell:
The Webster technique is a pelvic analysis of what’s happening with the structure of the bony pelvis, as well as the muscles and the ligaments that all integrate into the pelvic alignment. The uterus attaches to the actual pelvis through different connective tissue layers, muscles and ligaments.
If we are addressing all of those layers of tissue and bone, it’s going to help realign the pelvis. This takes stress off of the connective tissue, the ligaments, and the muscles to the pelvis so that the uterus can relax.
This allows the baby to move into a position they should be in.
Babies experience “pain pleasure” in utero. They want to go away from pain and go to what brings them pleasure. A twisted pelvis and tight muscles can cause uterine constraint. Babies will only go where they can find the most pleasure. This is often the reason for a breach baby!
Our doctors here at Sacred Spines Chiropractic are trained in advanced Webster technique
True Webster technique is an analysis of the muscles, ligaments, and the bony structure of the pelvis.
How do you conduct the Webster technique analysis? Are there any scans involved?
Dr. Kristen Hartwell:
No, there aren’t any kinds of scans. It involves a physical observation for range of motion where we check the alignment of the sacrum. We check the legs and feel the tension of the muscles and ligaments to determine the needs of the patient.
Shauna: Question # 3
Let’s talk about different issues that moms experience in pregnancy such as headache, lower back pain, pelvic pain, etc.
What are specific ways prenatal chiropractic care can help with those different issues?
Dr. Kristen Hartwell:
Anytime the body is presenting with symptoms, there is usually an issue that is causing them. Often, that can be an alignment problem, but like I’ve said before, sometimes it is just bio-mechanical issues. They may be doing things in an improper way for a pregnant pelvis.
Pregnancy changes a lot of things in a body! There is a hormone that causes joints to not hold the way that they used to. Those ligaments get a lot stretchier. If they are doing something the same way they’ve always done it but now they are pregnant, this can cause mis-alignment or an overstretched ligament. So we definitely analyze and correct the alignment where necessary.
We also address nervous system regulation as well as bio-mechanics of how they are moving their body and how they can be protecting their alignment in their daily activities.
Dietary and nutritional changes are also addressed. There is some depletion that occurs during pregnancy and postpartum. We seek to coach our moms through ways that they can find help through dietary changes.
Being a patient at Sacred Spines means there is always a collaborative effort! It’s important that we know who their midwife or OB is, educating them about doulas and lactation consultants and knowing who those people are in our community so we can be a wealth of resources.
Often mommas do not realize the resources available to them, and we are here to help provide guidance so they receive the best possible care.
This is my heartbeat as well! I love my clients, and I want them to know that I am not just here to take photos of their babies. I want to provide as much benefit to them as I possibly can! And this is why I am here interviewing you today!
Shauna: Question # 4
Can you share a particularly memorable experience you had treating a pregnant patient or a baby?
Dr. Kristen Hartwell:
We’ve seen moms that can barely walk in their pregnancy. They can’t make it to work, pick up their other children, or just function in general. We have found that within just a couple of adjustments, they gain back the ability to function and continued treatment makes such a difference!
We’ve had babies that won’t feed. Both parents are stressed out. Nobody is sleeping, and baby is not eating. Baby is not gaining weight.

We address primary cranial malfunction like eye movement, sucking, swallowing and breathing. All of that happens in the cranial nerves right there in the brain. A baby that has been in utero with a twisted pelvis where momma’s work requires that she is sitting all the time usually has a lot of cranial strain. This can affect things like sucking, swallowing, breathing, constipation, digestion, and their ability to relax.
Not only do we provide them with the resources that they need such as proper lactation support but we are also doing weight checks for them on a daily basis.
I’ve seen babies really pull out of that colicky, stressed, tense phase often within a couple of adjustments.
As you can see, prenatal chiropractic care can be an amazing benefit as you carry your baby, and can continue to be an amazing help postpartum for you, as well as for your baby’s development.
The Sacred Spines office has an amazing team of three well trained chiropractic doctors. All of the office staff and practice representatives are caring and helpful. They all go above and beyond any time you are there for your visits! When I am there, I feel like I am walking into a spa environment rather than a doctor’s office!
If you live in Indianapolis, particularly on the north side, be sure to consider Sacred Spines Chiropractic, LLC!
And be sure to reach out to book your maternity and newborn session to ensure you have the most beautiful heirlooms of the some of the most beautiful moments of your life!