When Alexsis contacted me to discuss details of her maternity session, she had a vision of a few different things that she wanted brought to life.
These ideas were a bit out of the norm for what I usually provide for expectant mommas, but when she shared her ideas, I was so excited to make them a reality for her!
The timing of her session landed when it was winter, and winter in Indianapolis is not usually very pretty. We have a lot of gray, overcast, and simply ugly days. We don’t get a lot of snow to brighten things up. It is just a drab time of year.
Alexsis loved the rainbow maternity gown from my client closet. We didn’t let the drab winter vibe keep us from getting some amazing shots. We started with this gown at a location near my Indianapolis studio and got some beautiful shots outdoors.
Alexsis and Daniel were troopers in the cold weather!

After we got some great shots in the beautiful rainbow dress, we headed to my studio on the east side of Indianapolis where we could bring Alexsis’ ideas to life and stay nice and warm as we accomplished that!
For the first requested set up, we put Alexsis in a beautiful sky setting where we made her look as if she was in the clouds. What a fun way to capture this very dreamy stage of anticipation of meeting her baby girl!
We did some special effects on a few of the photos, and kept a simple sky blue backdrop for others.

She wanted to hold a sweet little crown
to anticipate the little princess she was carrying and would soon be able to meet
One of the most stunning things we did for this special session was using the angel wings that Alexsis brought. She had a vision for being photographed like an angel, and she definitely looked like a beautiful angel!
We added Daddy into some of the photos with the angel wings.

Before we moved on to something different, we simplified our set up and wrapped the white silk around Alexsis to provide some shots that highlighted her beauty in a sweet and simple way.
The next set up included some beautiful, gold, shimmery fabric
We changed the colors to create a more neutral, simple look that is timeless and elegant.
I never had to tell Daniel to look at Alexsis - he just automatically melted as I posed them together. It was so precious to see how he adored her and how excited he was to meet his precious little girl!
We used the fabric to create one more elegant look
Daddy helped to make the fabric have its flowing look.
Alexsis truly looked like a character out of a fairy tale story book, wouldn’t you agree?
We finished up the maternity session with some special shots of Daniel and Alexsis together including a special silhouette shot.

This session was really special because of the extra time and energy given to make it so unique! Check out the next blog post to see highlights from the newborn session once their baby girl arrived!