Babies and Bumps is a special event that comes to Indianapolis only once a year.
This event was designed to support new parents, providing them with much-needed information through carefully curated events and valuable resources.
Here are three reasons every expectant and new parent should attend this year’s Babies and Bumps event!
1. You will gain a treasure of new knowledge to help you navigate your pregnancy and your new little one.
This event connects you with businesses, brands, healthcare providers and non-profits that will serve new and soon-to-be parents. On event day, you can connect with brands, learn about local resources, shop for fun things for you and baby, and sign up for classes.
There will be giveaways you can sign up for!
You will be provided with a wealth of information concerning labor, delivery, nursing, bringing your new baby home, and so much more.
You will find out what you don’t know! Knowledge is power, and you will leave this event feeling more at ease and ready to face your parenting journey with confidence.
2. You will connect with other local mommas as well as
strengthen relationships you already have!
Going through pregnancy with a friend is an undeniable treasure!
One of the blessings of this is experiencing things together, and attending this Babies and Bumps event will make for a special memory and a deeper connection with that friend as you support each other in this journey.
Attending with your spouse is also a special way to connect more deeply with each other as you prepare to face this journey together!
Throughout event day, you will meet other mommas facing the same journey you are in, and you will make new local friends. Facing pregnancy and parenting is a monumental task, and the more support you have from those around you, the better your experience will be!
2. I will be there and I’d love to meet you! I’ll be serving you in a few different ways!
I’ll be taking bump photos and also having a drawing for one lucky momma to win a Newborn Petite Package!
Bump photos will be a fun way to have a sweet memory of how far along your little one was at the time of this event. These photos are complimentary and included in your admission to the event. There will be fun signs you can hold that show how many weeks along you are in your pregnancy and the estimated size of your little one.
You will have the opportunity to enter to win a Newborn Petite Package. Here are some highlights from the little guy whose momma won this package last year! He was born in December, so momma requested some Christmas themes for his set ups!

You will also have an opportunity to book a maternity/newborn combo package at a special price! This special price is only available for those in attendance to the event.
Mommas often coordinate photos from their maternity sessions into the newborn session. This is such a special way to connect the time you carried your little one and anticipated her arrival with having her here and capturing how beautiful she is
at the newborn stage!
Between now and July 31, I am giving away EIGHT standard tickets and FOUR premium tickets to this event. Check out the giveaway on my Instagram account here!
If you want to secure a ticket regardless of the giveaway, go here to see more details about the Indianapolis event and scroll to the bottom to register!