Every photo package with Memory Lane Photography provides an art work gift certificate so that you can see your heirloom photos displayed beautifully in your home.
It can be easy to default to only viewing your photos on your phone or laptop screen. While this is definitely a great way to enjoy the photos you invested in to celebrate your maternity, newborn or milestone photos, you will appreciate your investment even more when you have a beautiful display that can be seen in and around your home.
As your baby grows and gets older, she will love to see these photos on display as well. Passing by a canvass or print on the wall or having an album to look through will be a special reminder to this child that she was worth the investment of high quality photos when you were expecting her and when she was a newborn baby.
Here are the THREE most popular ways clients choose to use their art work gift certificate from their photo session!
1. Have your photos printed in an album.
The mini - accordion album is definitely a favorite item! You choose photos from your session for the front and back covers, as well as all the photos that are inside. This little album is an amazing way to have a beautiful little compact way to enjoy highlights from your session. The little album is high, heirloom quality. It is small enough to fit in a purse or diaper bag to take with you and share with others when you are away from home. It is also often a gift for doting grandparents or the proud aunt or uncle that wants to show off the new niece or nephew.

Custom cover albums are available in sizes from 5x5 up to 12x12 and several options in between!
Just like the mini-accordion album, you get to choose the photo for the front and back cover as well as the photos that go inside! In these albums, there can be one photo per page or up to 4 or 5 photos per page!
2. Have your photos printed to be framed.
Prints from wallet size up to 16x20 are available.
These prints are high quality, professional grade photos that will not fade over time.
Have fun shopping for frames at your favorite hobby store and choosing ways to display your prints in your home! And wallet sized prints are always fun to be able to share with family and friends!
3. Choose a single canvass or a canvass grouping.
Many clients often choose to display a canvass in baby’s nursery or on the mantle of the fireplace in the living room. You can choose a single canvass or choose to do a grouping of canvasses. I am always happy to help with suggestions for sizes that would work best together depending on the area you plan to display your photos.
Canvasses come as small as 10x10 and can be ordered as large as 32x48!
It is so important to have your beautiful photos printed in some way so that you can fully enjoy your investment and be reminded over and over again of the precious blessing of your child.
Check out all the details of art work available to you from your session HERE!