After ten years of waiting and experiencing loss in the midst, Luis and Janelle welcomed their sweet rainbow baby into the world. When Janelle and I were discussing details to prepare for his newborn session, she shared that they nicknamed him “Bunny” and wondered if we could incorporate that nickname into his session. My answer?
I went to work finding a sweet bunny outfit in which to pose him, and found the perfect newborn bunny outfit from No. 2 Willow Lane.
I made sure we had a couple different bunny set ups ready for little Mr. Luciano when he arrived.
Mommy and Daddy brought one of his bunnies from home that we added in to a few photos.

We were sure to capture some sweet family moments
Luis and Janelle brought a sweet little baby carriage and we captured some precious shots of Luciano posed inside. Keep an eye out for this carriage - it shows up later!
Luciano had a few other set ups to add variety to his heirloom newborn photos. This included a rainbow set up to celebrate the blessing he is after the difficult times his mommy and daddy faced in the years leading up to his arrival.

And then, just like that, Janelle was reaching out to chat about his first birthday session!
The year had flown by and Luciano was about to have his first birthday!
We started his session at Holcomb Gardens at Butler University.
We met up in the morning when the sun was low and the light was pretty.
We got some sweet family shots and a few of Luciano by himself.

Then we headed over to the studio and grabbed a few more family shots indoors.
We did some outfit changes and captured a few more fun shots of Luciano at this sweet stage of his first birthday.
Remember the little carriage he was posed in as a newborn? We got some photos with that, too, but this time, instead of being posed inside, he was on the outside pushing it!
I reached back out to No. 2 Willow Lane and ordered a bunny outfit that was sitter sized to match the bunny outfit that was used in his newborn photos.
Then we got to work having fun enjoying cake!

Happy first birthday, Luciano!
Tying a special theme from your newborn session to the theme of your baby’s first birthday session one year later is so much fun!
Message me here to chat about a special theme you’d like to incorporate into your baby’s newborn session and future photos!