Five stages of pregnancy you didn't know existed Part 1

Did you know there are more than the typical 3 trimesters of pregnancy?

Here are some fresh insights on what you can expect from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester."

I had no idea there was a “4th trimester” until after I’d had babies of my own!

I personally struggled quite a bit in that 4th trimester because nobody talked about it and there was no preparation for what I would experience in that season.

I hope these thoughts and tips can be a help to you so you are not caught off guard in the same way and your transition through each trimester is more seamless and you feel more prepared for what is ahead!

I’m not only going to share with you what to expect in each, but also a lot of local resources you can use as you plan for your pregnancy, newborn and birth in Indianapolis.

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First Trimester:

The Secret Life of Pregnancy

The first trimester is like a secret club where only you, your husband, and your growing baby are members. During these first 12 weeks, your body is working overtime to create a new life, and you might be feeling the effects (hello, morning sickness). It's like you're part of an exclusive group that only fellow expectant moms can truly understand.

For me, it wasn’t a secret because I am pretty outspoken about anything that’s going on in my life that is super exciting, and I just couldn’t keep quiet about my news.

But many mommas prefer to keep things quiet until that first official ultrasound. This is due to a variety of reasons. Maybe you are more of a private person. Maybe you know you will have unnecessary drama from friends or extended family. Maybe you just like the idea of having this special secret with your husband! And if that is you, then you know about this “secret life of pregnancy” in the first trimester!

Here are some helpful resources in Indianapolis for the 1st trimester.

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I was very fortunate to not have to deal with horrible morning sickness with my pregnancies but I did deal with feeling nauseous often and I learned to keep snacks handy. Eating small amounts and eating often was definitely something that helped me!

Whether you are just struggling with a bit of nausea like I did or struggling with being really sick, check out this resource by Lily Nichols - REAL FOOD FOR PREGNANCY

Indianapolis maternity photographer

2. Start shopping for maternity clothes!

This is a fun distraction when you aren’t feeling great and gives you something fun to look forward to wearing as your baby grows.

Even before you start showing, your regular clothes can feel snug and uncomfortable, so having some cute options to slip on to stay comfortable is definitely a plus!

3. Consider investing in chiropractic care

to help align your body as it is in the process of adjusting to make room for your growing baby. There are many chiropractors throughout the Indianapolis area that specialize in prenatal chiropractic care. Here are some recommendations for you!

Check out the next blog post to learn some great tips and helpful insights about

the second trimester of your pregnancy HERE!

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Check out the next blog post for Part 2 highlighting the second trimester of your pregnancy!