Say hello to little Lincoln. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
He has a big brother named Oliver. His mommy and daddy called him Ollie. Ollie was earthside for only about a day. And then his mommy and daddy had to say goodbye to him much sooner than they ever anticipated.
Grief and confusion and much growth took hold of Ollie's sweet family. They traveled through a very dark and difficult storm of shock and pain. And then, in the midst of the storm, God sent a little rainbow in the form of a little brother, and his parents call him little Link. 💙
Even though he wasn't due for another 3 weeks or so, God saw fit to bring Link into the world on his big brother Ollie's first birthday. The stuffed sloth you see is called Ollie Sloth - it's Ollie's memory toy.
Congratulations, Will and Joylily! We are all so thankful for this little rainbow that God sent to bring some healing and joy to your hearts!
Link’s momma is a photographer. Introducing the newest sidekick of Joylily Photography!