Words can’t describe the emotions you feel when you first discover you are expecting a little one for the first time. It’s a huge mixture of excitement and fear. There is a strange emotion of almost not being able to believe this is really happening.
But your biggest emotion is indescribable joy, and you want a special way to share that joy with your family and friends.
Planning for special pregnancy announcement photos can be an extra fun way to make your big announcement. Here are some fun sessions I’ve enjoyed highlighting for families that a little one is on the way!
Often, couples have a special pet that is their first “baby”. Incorporating your pup (or cat or bunny or any pet) into your announcement is a very special way to share with your family and friends that a baby is on the way.

Use something that is unique to you as couple!
In this case, Mommy and Daddy love coffee, and momma requested that we do the announcement photos with mugs in the kitchen of their own home.
Have fun with the holidays!
Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, or any one of the four seasons, provide lots of ways to have fun announcing your pregnancy.
Highlighting the new status your first baby now has as new big brother or sister adds an extra special element to your announcement photos.
When you look back on these photos as the years go by, you will be reminded in a fresh way of how exciting it was to not only anticipate meeting your baby, but watching your first baby become a big brother or sister. Those are special emotions that will fade with time, but your photos will keep those sweet emotions fresh and special in your heart.

Use numbers and letter boards to announce a third or fourth (or fifth or sixth!) baby is on the way
Having the older kiddos get involved and show their excitement captures a very special piece of their part of this story in the life of your family.
The possibilities are endless of the unique ways we can create a way to make your announcement extra special.
If you are interested in heirloom quality photos of your baby starting with your journey from the very beginning with pregnancy announcement photos, feel free to message me to chat about details! We will discuss any ideas you may have and curate a session unique to you.