After years of waiting and hoping, Jamie and Susanne welcomed little Charlie Joe into their world.
As a result of some medical issues that arose during and after Charlie Joe’s arrival, they were informed that Susanne would not be able to carry another child.
Charlie Joe will be their one and only little treasure, and Susanne wanted to go all out with themes and ideas for his newborn session!
A Harry Potter theme was requested, and I got to work finding items and creating the most adorable Harry Potter newborn themed set up! As you can see, Charlie Joe approved with that sweet little smile!
Star Wars was another requested theme.
I posed Charlie Joe with a sweet little newborn sized light saber and some star wars friends
The next request was a St. Patrick’s Day theme. This tied in well with the fact that Charlie Joe was a rainbow baby!
Next on the list was SUPER HERO!
Charlie Joe was the sweetest little newborn super hero you ever did see!
Because Charlie Joe is a rainbow baby, we wanted to be sure to incorporate the rainbow into his newborn session in some special ways.
Susanne has a special necklace to celebrate the life of her angel baby. We were sure to pose Charlie Joe with this sweet necklace on some sweet angel wings. As he grows older and looks at these photos, Susanne can tell him about this special sibling that is part of their family and how special he was when God brought him to them after such a difficult loss.

We did a second set up to celebrate that Charlie Joe is a rainbow baby. We incorporated a special little sign that Jamie and Susanne brought to his session.
Both Mommy AND Daddy serve in the military.
We got a few sweet shots of Charlie Joe on Daddy’s uniform.
Anyone who serves as a first responder or in the military receives special pricing for a newborn session. You can find details about that here!
The most precious family
Having this first family photo will be a treasure that only grows with time.

Welcome to the world, Charlie Joe! You are loved beyond words!