Let me introduce you to Trevon and Valencia.
Take a few moments to read about their sweet story.
In early April, I received an inquiry from a number that registered from South Carolina.
It was a husband inquiring about a maternity session for his wife.
At first I thought that maybe the phone number showed up as a South Carolina location because I wondered if this family recently moved to the Indianapolis area and as often happens, the phone still registered from the previous residence.
Trevon and I discussed details for the maternity session and he told me there was only one Saturday later in April that would work for their session. Fortunately, that one Saturday was available, so we booked the session and chatted about location preferences.
I asked what part of Indianapolis they were in, and he told me they would be in the Noblesville area. One of my favorite spots in Noblesville is the old Hamilton County Courthouse area.
Trevon agreed that was a good location and we set the date and time for the session.
He then directed me to Valencia to discuss details. I have a client closet of a few different maternity dresses that are available to all of my clients, and she chose to use a couple of the dresses. We talked about the colors and shared photos with each other so that she could coordinate Trevon’s clothing with the maternity dresses. They had two other kiddos, so we discussed coordinating their outfits as well.
As we were finishing up our communication about the details, it came to light that Trevon and Valencia did not live in Indianapolis, but in fact, did live in South Carolina! They were going to be in town visiting with friends. They had seen my work and decided they wanted to book a maternity session while they were here.
and then, I got some new information that literally made my heart melt . . .
Trevon planned this so that they would do the maternity session on their wedding anniversary!
They wanted this to be a special celebration for the whole family - a celebration of their wedding anniversary and the anticipation everyone had for the baby on the way.
I don’t know about you, but I thought that was one of the sweetest gestures I’d ever experienced that a husband did for his wife!
So what about you? Are you looking for a special gift for a special expectant momma in your life?
It could be your wife, your daughter, your daughter-in-law, your niece, or a special family friend.
Maternity sessions are a special investment, so rather than going in with friends or family on a big ticket item on the baby registry for the baby shower gift, get together and gift a maternity and/or newborn session to the special momma to be! Your gift will last beyond the diaper genie, pacifiers, sleepers and bibs.
A maternity session could also be an amazing birthday or Christmas gift, or like this family, a special anniversary gift!
The value of your gift will only grow over time as the baby arrives and grows and changes. Your gift will allow this momma to look back and always smile at the memory of feeling beautiful while she carried her precious baby.
And the memory of how thoughtful you were to gift her with such a heartwarming, special gift will bring a smile to her face, too.